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Old 09-12-2017, 03:47 AM   #5
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Location: Kyïv, Ukraine
Default Re: [Spaceships] Islamic Banking and Financing Spaceships Purchases

Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
At the resolution of Spaceships, the figure of merit is just "how much does it cost you per month". Now, it's possible that you won't have anything actually corresponding to the financing rules on p27 -- obvious alternatives include the bank as a silent shareholder and the bank as the owner and renting the ship back to the PCs -- but in the end, you can assume that the amount the PCs have to pay is equal to a reasonable ROI for the bank's investment, plus a modifier for how risky the investment is, and there may be different explanations written down on the bills but the overall amount being paid out will be the same.
The ROI may be similar, but will still have adjustments, the question is what those adjustments will be for what factors. Consider, for example, how different ship constructions affect insurance costs.
There's also the fact even though lending-funded and cheap-bought ships result in vaguely similar monthly payments, they're still two distinct methods of approaching the purpose of a ship and the differences are not cosmetic - enough so that they have their separate subsections on the page.
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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