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Old 10-08-2015, 10:43 PM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: The House of the Rising Sun
Default Re: Resources for New Orleans

Thanks for the speedy reply! I'm pleasantly surprised to find people still talking about the game. I had only played it briefly, and have run into relatively few people who have heard of it since.

There's no official New Orleans handbook. Liber Castellorum has some interesting things to say about the House of the Rising Sun, but that's about it.
I wasn't really expecting a whole source book. You're making it sound like the Liber Castellorum isn't really what I'm looking for though. I remember my friend who ran the game back in '04 saying that New Orleans was lousy with tethers, but I don't remember if that's something she read in a source book or if it's something she made up. It's definitely something I agree with now, though.

I made a rather lengthy blog post at one point about setting up tethers for the San Francisco Bay Area, it might give you some ideas about how you'd want to set up tethers for New Orleans.
I'll definitely take a look! I definitely have a few ideas of my own. . .

Also, I would suggest coming up with some ideas on how you want to handle the Mystères. The lazy solution is to treat them like either Kyriotates or Shedim, but you certainly have the potential to do much more.
I'm. . . actually not familiar with the significance of that particular term. I'm guessing it has something to do with Voodoo and/or hauntings? On a somewhat related note, I can definitely see Papa Legba and the other loas showing up at some point as ethereal spirits with an interest in the goings on of the city.
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