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Old 01-04-2017, 09:57 AM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: [Ritual Path Magic or Path/Book] Life-sustaining warmth ritual

Personally, with the metaphysical setup preventing the characters from magically creating/enhancing warmth - hence them transferring it from themselves to the victim - I'd probably go with Lesser Transform Energy, Transform being a decent go-to for taking x from one thing and giving it to another. If there is indeed a bit of healing going on, go with Lesser Transform Body as well for taking health from the agents and giving it to the victim. The lost energy/health would likely take the form of FP damage, which I'd probably allow to count toward willing sacrifice (if the characters don't sacrifice anything, they still get a bit drained, just not enough to count as damage). The various described trapping are probably enough for a modest discount (5%-10%) on energy cost, and the description of drawing on the various personal traits of the assembled cast I'd probably count for another 5% or so.

Note this is for RPM.
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