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Old 06-21-2006, 02:49 AM   #19
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Iceland
Default Re: Ninja Stealth Assassination

Originally Posted by DouglasCole
I've heard, from more than one source, that sentry removal by attacking the neck is accomplished by stabbing from side to side, and then pushing the blade outward through the throat. This increases the chance that the carotid and jugular on at least one side, and possibly both, are severed.
I'm pretty sure that the technique is the same as the commando technique I've been trying to convey in game terms. However, in RL the way you do it is to grab the head, stab the knife into the left side of the neck (if you're right handed) and then tear across the throat from left to right. It's not a deliberate movement outward, that just happens as a result of what you're doing. The end result is slashed arteries on one side of the neck, possibly both (although that is redundant) as well as cut windpipe and vocal cords making anything louder than a quiet gurgle impossible.
Keep in mind that most commonly carried military issue knives today won't necessarily reach all the way through a man's neck, so relying on that plus a purely outward motion doesn't really make sense, plus with an outwards motion you're basically pulling away from yourself, thus negating some of your own strength.

Back to Fred the Ninja - with his ST of 10 he might want to try a wire garrote. I found the rules in 4e for garroting to be quite nasty.

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