Thread: Azoth-8
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Old 08-12-2019, 12:18 PM   #62
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Default Re: Azoth-8

Latin America in Azoth-8 is unsettled.

Brazil is doing well. Since Getulio Vargas decided to move away from fascism, Brazil has gone from strength to strength. The right-wing coup that ended Vargas' reforms never happened on Azoth-8. Instead, with Azothic power generation systems and Alchemical medicines and fertilizers, Brazil leaped into the first rank of industrial powers. Like Canada, Brazil is a partner with the USA in promoting human rights world wide. And Brazil's popular culture is a planet wide success and not just in music and fashion. Brazil's literature, films, and visual arts are just as big.

Argentina is in a less pleasant state. The Nazis who fled to refuge in this country have brought a new wave of sinister bitter strife. "Disappearances" are constantly whispered about. Chile is a stable democracy with unpleasant class issues. Peru, Bolivia, and Equator, are all less democratic but still suffer from the same issues as Chile. Paraguay is isolationist and reactionary.

Columbia and Venezuela, on the other hand, and doing well. Prosperity and democratic reforms are the norms here. The Gyanas are also stable and benefiting from being in a stable neighborhood.

All up and down the Andes romantic guerrillas, some right-wing, some left-wing, all violent. Bring misery as chaos to the land. The elites use the guerrillas to justify repression, the the guerrillas use the repression to justify violence. Both Centrum and the Cabal follow the lead of Azoth-8's own criminals and use the guerrillas both as cover for their own actions and mercenaries to attack what they want destroyed.

The Andes seen to hold many secrets on Azoth-8. There seems to be some evidence that Incan relics can amplify Psi powers or even unlock new ones. Thus many scholars and less savory types flock to the Andes in spite of the guerrillas. Many Guerrillas rob ancient graves hunting power and wealth to achieve their dreams of revolution and conquest.
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