Thread: MA Questions
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Old 06-14-2019, 03:29 PM   #5
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Default Re: MA Questions

Originally Posted by Skarg View Post
TFT's simplicity bias. It doesn't even get through the human encumbrance rules without suggesting many people will want to ignore them.
TBH, I think MA deductions would've been simpler... certainly more broadly apply-able.

Originally Posted by Skarg View Post
Per ITL pg. 66 and 132, it is per weight encumbrance, with armor weight being 250% that of a human suit, so 40 pounds for leather, 112.5 pounds for half plate. A ST 14 centaur would have its full MA up to 56 pounds carried... at which point, ITL trips over its attempted simplicity by saying MA drops to 8...

So the GM has to decide if that means literally MA 8 (probably not), MA -2 (maybe) or 8 MA for a normal human, so proportionally that'd be 80% of the MA of a creature with some other MA (I think that makes the most sense - some may balk, but I see no good simpler alternative to getting appropriate numbers).

I would also quibble with the flat 250% weight for ALL 2-hex creatures. I think a centaur might want not just horse barding but most of a human suit of leather armor as well, which might or might not weigh more, but probably would reduce DX by the full amount, not the reduced barding amount mentioned on ITL 132.

So to answer, I get Centaur MA at a full 24 outdoors / 12 indoors in leather, but half-plate barding brings a ST 14 centaur to just over 8 x ST, which is human MA 4, so 40% would be MA 9.6 outdoors, or MA 4.8 indoors, and an extra -2 DX, and only able to carry another 27 or so more pounds of gear.
I dislike the extra math, but you're probably right that percentage approach is the most reasonable. I don't think, however, that a 14 ST centaur should be treated the same as a 14 ST human... not where encumbrance is concerned. The quadruped chassis should at least double a centaur's carrying capacity IMO. That would reduce the impact of armor on MA somewhat, I think.
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