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Old 03-05-2018, 11:16 AM   #30
Misplaced Buckeye
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Using ODE and Minis in the same scenario

Originally Posted by TheAmishStig View Post
Makes me wonder how many colors poker chips come in. If each unit type can have its own wouldn't be aesthetically pleasing [far from it, IMO], but in theory it could be functional.

To take it to a logical leaves me wondering [at least for the less-dense hexes, something like Heavy tanks, Light GEVs and Light Tanks if pill bases drilled for flight pegs would be workable. Put the mini on one base, then cut / glue / insert the pegs in such a way that they stack on one another. A mini with 3 bases (counting the one it's permanently mounted to) = a stack of 3. It still runs into the issue of "Too many minis, not enough hex", but not always as badly since it's sized to the figure.
Andy ole buddy ole must have a lot of time, patience and skill, me I'm gonna take the road most travelled for now and either just use the Ogre rules for no stacking or go back to my of both if Ican just make the time to create Ghost Army ODE
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