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Old 09-28-2015, 01:47 PM   #49
Join Date: Feb 2007
Default Re: [Ultra-Tech/Fantasy] The One Ring Invisibility vs. TL9 Hyperspectral Goggles?

Originally Posted by Stormcrow View Post
Even though the Ring had much of Sauron's spirit in it, it was not loyal to him. It responded to his will much as his servants did. He put out a mental call and it stopped trying to hide with Gollum under the mountains. Gollum, too, felt the call and was compelled to Mordor against his will.
On the contrary, the Ring was loyal to Sauron. It was fundamentally a part of him. Tolkien explained that at length at one point, it can be used by others, but it belongs to Sauron. If someone were to ever really wrench it away from him, break the connection to Sauron and claim it for his or her own, the effect on Sauron would exactly the same as the destruction of the Ring. He'd be reduced to a powerless spirit, helpless to affect the material world.

Short of that, others could use the Ring against Sauron's will, to a degree. In theory you might even use it to force Sauron to submit to you militarily, or the like...but it would always be waiting for its moment to betray you for Sauron, you'd never be safe until you really wrenched it away from him entirely, and that would effectively destroy him.
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