Thread: PDF Errata
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Old 09-22-2018, 06:06 AM   #48
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Georgetown, TX
Default Re: PDF Errata

Melee, p.8, section: Moving Onto Others, 3rd para:

"Fallen bodies" is not explained to mean or correlate to the Skull counters included in the game. A picture is shown next to the paragraph, but the "Fallen bodies" text does not directly connect it with the counter. As it is, someone just has to make the intuitive connection based on this one, vague reference. This is worse in the Wizard rules (p. 8) for the same section as there is not a counter picture present to make this connection.

A possible, easy way to fix this is to change one sentence which would clear up the confusion and directly tie the desired counter to the sentence.

BEFORE: "Fallen bodies are obstacles."
AFTER: "Fallen bodies (skull counter) are obstacles."
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