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Old 02-10-2018, 01:08 PM   #9
Join Date: Aug 2016
Default Re: WI:A Different World

Originally Posted by Cooper View Post
So here was my reasoning to pick these 5:

Dominic would be in danger because he questions the Judgement of accepting Demon Princes into positions of high authority within heaven without doing enough to punish them for their transgressions. This strikes me as particularly likely if their redemption comes through the intervention of the Seraphim Council or another Archangel rather than a direct act of G-d. I agree that he would be unlikely to fall, but I could see him going into self-imposed exile while he attempts to judge both heaven and hell from an outside vantage point.

Marc's main point of risk would be similar to Dominic's. What was the exchange for bringing the Demon Princes into heaven? How is immediately promoting them over angels who have remained loyal at all fair? Then again I have a rather dim view of trade in today's world, so my politics tend to interfere with my fair evaluation of Marc, I often consider him darker than cannon.

Gabriel is also in this vein - she's the one who punishes abusers, and the Princes of Hell have been nothing if not abusive. Giving them a pass seems like it goes against her nature regardless of whether or not there's a Belial harming her cool. Also, unless you're proposing the complete capitulation of hell (in which case, congratulations! time to blow your horn and gather your winnings) I'm not particularly on board with the idea that three princes fleeing means three more die (especially if they did not particularly rely on any of the turncoats for support). Given the defectors, Gluttony is the Prince I'd suspect to be at risk of being picked off.

Lithroy would only be in danger if the redemptions undermined his idea of Truth and Revelation. That's a GM call. Of all the Archangels on this list, he's the one I think would be least in danger (unless Gabriel fell).

Blandine is the only one who I think is endangered by something other than principles. I think she'd want Andrealphus to bring her lover back, and if Andre couldn't, she'd retreat further into the Marches and become more of a neutral power. Her old duties would probably be split among several superiors. Assuming none fall or are otherwise compromised, I'd use Khalid, Gabriel, and Lithroy.

David does not strike me as particularly likely to fall. If he's had one recurring fault, it has been his inability to suspect treachery among those "on his team."


All that said, this is your elseworld. Since we seem to be coming from very different viewpoints, I wanted to lay out my logic, but feel free to chuck these thoughts out the window if they don't fit your game.
Hmmm...You make a good point. I was picturing the Redemptions coming through direct act of god, so the Dominic point is null. Marc and Gabriel's motives, I could see. Also, yeah, I agree, Hag's gonna get picked-off quick. Also, I like the idea on Beladine. As for David, my thinking was that, essentially, just because these three are theoretically Redeemed, doesn't mean he automatically considers html on his team. Plus, he's suspicious, like the Demons, of Malphas being untouched in all this.
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