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Old 02-08-2019, 09:38 AM   #13
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Cheltenham, PA
Default Re: LAD pallet in spillover - wha?

OK, based on the D0 rules discussion, I'd like to propose the following rule change for LADs. This changes the second- and third-to-last paragraphs of the LAD rules, and nothing else:

LADs still on a pallet can also be placed as part of a defensive setup. Small, stealthy, and powered down, they are very hard to detect. The opponent will not detect a collapsed LAD until it starts to set up, or until one of his units moves into the hex of the LAD. The LAD player should note which hexes have a LAD emplaced within them, and should be prepared to show this notation when the opponent enters the hex of the LAD. If a collapsed LAD is overrun, it is automatically destroyed unless there are friendly units in the hex. If so, overrun combat occurs normally, and the LAD is destroyed if all the defenders are destroyed, or if it is explicitly targeted during the overrun combat.

LADs still on a pallet may be attacked directly prior to setting up. A LAD on a pallet is treated as cargo; it is destroyed by any direct attack, but is immune to spillover fire. LADs on a pallet that are being transported are destroyed when the transport is destroyed (or per 15.02.1 when transported by a Vulcan).
The above wording (my changes in bold) eliminates the entire D0 confusion, as well as making the distinction between a LAD as a unit (that is, set up) and a LAD as cargo on a pallet (vulnerable to direct attacks but not spillover, automatically destroyed by being overrun). There also needs to be some D0 rules clarifications, but I'll leave that in the other thread.
Joshua Megerman, SJGames MIB #5273 - Ogre AI Testing Division
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