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Old 10-28-2020, 11:08 PM   #2
Axly Suregrip
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Durham, NC
Default Re: Non-missile Weapons / Engaged Status / Defending

Q1) "Again, a request for point of clarification. When engaged, can you attack with a Thrown Weapon?"

A1) Yes. There is instructions in a Death Test room where the foes will engage with one of your guys and then throw their weapons at others. So, yes engaged characters may throw at anyone in front of them, both engaged and not engaged with them.

Q2) "Further to this, if the dagger-thrower in the scenario throws at the mace wielder while they're engaged, does the mace-wielder Dodge or Defend?"

A2) Engaged figures may not Dodge.

Q3) "And thirdly on this, page 117 of ITL spells out specifically that Dodging only works against missile spells, and thrown and missile weapons. But the rules for Defending do not explicitly rule out defending against a thrown weapon attack.... Furthermore, the GM Screen states "(k) Defend" against "thrown weapons or regular 'melee' attacks." "

A3) I have always played that Defend was for none missile or thrown attacks; and Dodge was for against missile and thrown. So the Legacy GM Screen stating Defending is effective against thrown weapons is news to me. Since it is on the GM Screen I will now start using it.
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