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Old 02-14-2018, 04:39 PM   #1154
Join Date: Nov 2017
Default Re: Report To The Stakeholders

The state of the industry is certainly a cause for concern these days. While things superficially look greater than ever, there is so much competing for a gamer's attention every day now it seems, to the degree even being a good, quality product is not enough anymore. Gamers seem to have developed a 'goldfish memory', immediately dropping something for the next shiny thing that comes along a few minutes later. A lot of product is being sold; how much is being played at all, or more than once or twice, is a question.

I hope the slip in Munchkin sales/print status is not a pointer to the future, as anyone can see how much Steve Jackson Games relies on this franchise. It is probably inevitable for it to cool off at some point, but I hope it does not hurt the company as a whole.

The fate of Dungeon Fantasy was not surprising, but still unfortunate. I would like to have seen it be a roaring success, but it is apparent that it is just too costly to produce for printed material like that in today's environment. It took up a lot of time and effort for what it brought in, that might better have been spent on something more profitable.

That brings me to the subject nearest to my heart, Ogre. I was not surprised, but disappointed, to see so little representation in the top 40, and the fate of Reinforcements. It was expected, though. Not long after release, I saw online places trying to sell it off for $7-$10 :( At least the Kickstarters went well enough that hopefully we can expect some support down the road in the form of an occasional Kickstarter for new material. Not ideal, but way better than nothing.

Good luck to SJG in 2018. I hope the Munchkin CCG does well, and that Car Wars can get its motor revving in a form that can be presented.
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