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Old 02-18-2019, 12:13 PM   #39
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Sexual Abilities

Originally Posted by AlexanderHowl View Post
The urethral opening of the penis is a mucus membrane, so unprotected sex counts for Blood Agent.
Succubi do not need to be that specific (just the tip) when attacking, since they have the broader Contact Agent.

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr View Post
Let's look at it as an affliction, just with takes extra time. Assuming you can have sex in one minute (your poor partner . . .), Affliction takes 1 second. So, that would be 5 levels of Takes Extra Time, to get it to 32 seconds. Or 6 for 64 seconds. That's -50% or -60%. That's already double the canon limitation of -25%
I think the Succubus had TET 10 for -100%, probably at the point where you begin to require less time than the lowest tier of "Requires Immediate Preparation" yet get a bigger discount, is where to draw the line.

Originally Posted by Mark Skarr View Post
I don't use Aura on it, because it's not an aura. I wouldn't have that. Melee attack, reach C, sure, but not Aura. It's not an aura.
I think the distinction would Aura would be "I must attack using this specific part of me" (usually either hands or mouth or eyes, but you could plausibly choose something else like shooting laser beams out of your nose or toxic gas out of your ears, etc) vs "people can attack any part of me" ("what are you doing to my elbow?").

Aura isn't a bad idea if you're wanting to avoid having to actually take attack maneuvers specifically dedicated to activating the ability. Aura with Delayed Effect (Exposure Time) probably makes more sense for "I need to be doing this, but I don't need to be thinking about it", as compared to Takes Extra Time which explicitly requires a series of Ready maneuvers, so your ability to activate it would be interrupted if you were stunned and had to Do Nothing.

Originally Posted by naloth View Post
Presumably the aura was to represent it happening automatically during sex. Naturally, it could be only when you will it to happen instead.
Willingness would be represented by switching the aura on as a free action. Being unwilling would be represented by switching the aura off as a free action. I think if you were knocked unconscious with an aura switched on that it would keep working though.

I remember reading something about switchable abilities automatically turning off when knocked unconscious but I can't remember if the modifier was an enhancement, limitation, or 0-point feature.

One other way to fudge it would be to attack "Requires Will Roll" and simply opt not to make the will roll (automatically failing the ability) when needed. With Auras I don't know if you roll per contact or per minute though.

Originally Posted by naloth View Post
Being able to do two different activities in a single action is an advantage or enhancement rather than a limitation. You can't just get a free "when I strike I with both weapons as one action" instead of taking dual strike.

Besides, your description of "only during sex" was based on the analysis that you're not likely to do it in combat and when you do you'll be suitably devoted to what you are doing.
This begs the question, do the conditions of Accessibility on a Takes Extra Time (or Requires Immediate Preparation) ability apply only upon the final moment of activation, or also during preparatory steps? If I have "Healing (Only While Flying, Takes Extra Time) would I need to be flying during the mandatory preceding Ready maneuvers too?

If so, then would a Succubus actually count as being "sexually intimate" during those Ready maneuvers? You can't "attack" during a ready maneuver after all (including Grapple, Shoving People Around, or whatever might be used to approximate the past time) so the Succubus would pretty much would need to just lie there and let the victim do most of the movement, or else if they are doing the work, they would have to hold off initiating their Leech until the post-coital snuggling. The Ready maneuver does give a "Step" (as well as Active Defenses, Retreats) so perhaps those could be used as bed-bouncing currencies?

To design an Incubus/Succubus who was the active "attacker" who could still be using their ability would probably work best if you gave them Compartmentalized Mind and then added something like "Requires Will roll" to their Leech (to make it a mental ability instead of physical, to use Concentrates instead of Readies) so that they could be prepping the ability whilst engaging in attacks. That or use a custom "Extra Ready", since as far as I know "Extra Attack" isn't usable during a Ready maneuver, only during maneuvers with "Attack" in name.
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