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Old 09-21-2016, 06:05 AM   #41
Join Date: Feb 2014
Default Re: Catalog of the Weird Parallels

Originally Posted by RageWalrus View Post
Hardrade-6 and Strieber-5: Hardrade-6 is a Q4 TL5 world where Harald Hardrade rather than William the Conqueror claimed the throne of England. The current year is 1801, and Hardrade’s Anglo-Norway is engaged in a global conflict with the Second Yuan Dynasty over Africa and the Americas. Strieber-5 is a Q7 TL3 world where a global Ice Age has been happening since around 1300. Civilization has collapsed and with every lengthening winter more people starve. These two worlds should be utterly unrelated, but when they people of Hardrade-6 sleep they dream of a specific other person on Strieber-5, and vice versa. Since the population is larger on Hardrade-6, multiple people dream about the same person from Strieber-5.
Enterprising people could use networks of dreamers for long range communication if they could find groups that dream of the same person and the person that the Strieber person dreams of. The concept that the dreams are real secondary lives should be commonplace since they are shared. Learning the other world's skills shouldn't be difficult considering it's a partial second life you've lived, albeit as an observer.

Vox: Starting with his ascension on September 18th, 14 AD anything said by the Emperor Tiberius could be heard by everyone everywhere in the world as if he were standing 5 feet to their right. The same thing would happen to Caligula, and so for every Roman Emperor after. The current year is 1314, and everyone in the world is privy to the conversations and personal musings of Byzantine Emperor Andronikos II and Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV.
I assume the emperors are aware of this. If so, an emperor could easily become the best teacher ever, standardizing Latin across the globe, even in cultures that have never seen a Roman. As a side effect, people on the Pacific probably shift to become nocturnal as there is a guy speaking (sometimes shouting) in the middle of the night.
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