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Old 04-26-2010, 03:20 AM   #50
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Default Re: Psionics in 4th Ed: I'm not getting it...

Originally Posted by Kuroshima View Post
Not really. It did a good job on showing how to BUILD the abilities, but Psionic Powers goes far beyond just building the abilities, and into showing how all the pieces of the Powers framework fit together: it not just presents a big set of pre-built abilities, but also presents a fully worked example of all the options to use, what optionals and source specific extras to add, how to organize them in levels so they can be purchased and improved gradually...

Save for a handful of new enhancements and limitations, everything comes from Powers, but it's not evident

And in doing all that, it became a heavier crunch book than Powers itself, which didn't do that. This btw is NOT an attack on Psionic Powers. It's a statement of a simple fact and relevant here by the other simple fact that the OP specifically used Psionic Powers as an example of why she was having trouble getting back into to GURPS.

Finding ways to dilute the crunch or make it easy for the newbie to build up an immunity to it's crunch shock would be good things to do.

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