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Old 11-06-2014, 03:18 PM   #4
Night Watchman
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Cambridge, UK
Default Re: Silent Sentry Removal

The plan I've been looking at for a while for a character who's likely to need it someday goes:

Sneak up, with sufficient stealth, aided by invisibility. All-out Attack (Double). Right-hand grapple to the face (-3) to hold the mouth shut; left-hand stab to the vitals (-3) with a very fine long knife, doing 1d+2, with x3 wounding. I need to buy up some skills and ST to make this practical.

In the setting (WWII), sentries are normal humans and unlikely to have armour, so one can plausibly expect to do a major wound and have good odds to put the target into negative HP.

One can't use Grab and Smash with a face grapple and a torso stab. The alternative is to grapple the face and use G&S with a stab to blood vessels in the neck. That gives 1d+4 with wounding x2.5, for slightly higher damage but the attack penalty is -8, which is a bit tough.

Edit: Most of this is based off Martial Arts: Fairbairn Close Combat Systems.
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