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Old 09-11-2018, 02:35 PM   #19
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Electromagnetic vision power

Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
If you like. You wanted to see through walls, so Penetrating Vision is a reasonable start. Or you could base the handwaving on a kind of electroreception, as some fish have.

And certainly one might be able to build gadgets to do the same thing, if the GM likes. Talk to Reed Richards; maybe he can whip one up for you.

I wouldn't get too hung up on actual physics. If BL can see people through walls, then he can see people through walls. In comic books, ice does things real ice can't so, magnetism does things real magnetism can't do, super-strength does things super-strength can't do, so there's no reason to fash yourself unduly just because this ability is supposed to be "electromagnetic" in nature.

I also note that his actual black lightning, as opposed to his usual kind, is described as a "mystical" ability by Wikipedia, so it's not necessarily the case that it's just electromagnetism, and so the Kirlian photography and aura business suggested upthread reappear.

If he does see through walls just the way a real-world infrared camera can, then just give him an Equipment Perk to have such an infrared camera. No reason to charge points for abilities available in off-the-shelf gear.
all good points thx
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