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Old 09-08-2018, 09:27 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2012
Default Pre-Organlegger Wizard

Once upon a time, I had the idea of an organlegger necromancer. I love the idea, I find it nice and spooky. The problem is, the concept is fairly modern day.

For various reasons, I need to know what the same character would be doing from around 1920 onward. On one hand, I don't want her to be doing the exact same thing, since I'm not sure the business would make as much sense in an earlier setting with less developed surgery.

I would, however, like the foundations to be there. If you're a necromancer with the Evisceration spell in the 1920s, what do you do with all of those disembodied organs you can collect with it? What would be regular benefit you get from such spells? Alter Visage & Alter Body have been used to avoid appearing identical across the centuries, but I don't want the necromancer to be too reliant on them yet either.

What makes it worth developing that area of magic further? The necromancer has no idea that they're going to be an organlegger or magic surgeon 100 years in the future. So why is this magic something they work on?

I feel like zombies are less useful in the 20th century than they used to be, since obvious monsters without independent thought are too difficult to do much with in an urban environment. Maybe that makes flesh-warping magic less valuable (because you can't do as much with monsters as you used to) or more valuable (because it can get around some of the frightening parts).

I am toying with the idea of linking to the Brotherhood of the Skin (Cthulhu Mythos and Cabal are fair game to include in this), but I'm unsure.

Let me know what you think, and thank you in advance.
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