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Old 08-26-2018, 10:39 AM   #18
Join Date: Sep 2011
Default Re: [Alt. History] captive Napolean

Originally Posted by Dalillama View Post
Having confirmed the dates, also remember that the U.S. and Great Britain were still in a state of active war at the time of Napoleon's surrender, a war which the U.S. entered as an ally of France. There is no world in whivh your scenario is plausible, I'm afraid. Possibly a history where his honour guard fought him clear and he and the survivors fled to their American allies to rally French America and keep the fight going. Quebec would probably declare for him pretty quick, and Louisiana
Lower Canada probably won't declare for him, quickly or otherwise. Historically, Quebec was separated from France when it was still a monarchy. It remembers the American Revolution's attempt to overthrow the monarch as an attempt by those Boston merchants to suppress Catholicism, the French language and French civil law by invading Montreal and Quebec. Just to make matters worse, they also tried to palm paper money off on the merchants of Lower Canada. (Lower Canada had experience with paper money in the form of "playing card money" during the Ancien Regieme, and it didn't evoke fond memories.) The French Revolution was regarded as more of the same and the rise of Napoleon didn't attract Lower Canadians. If anything, it cemented their allegiance to the UK.
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