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Old 01-03-2018, 01:26 PM   #56
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Default Re: The Fantasy Trip

Originally Posted by Refplace View Post
I actually built that into my setting, called everyone a Spirit so high ST and weakening yourself to cast spells made a certain kind of sense.
I did something similar to Mr. Pulver's suggestion -- players burned "Mana" initially to power spells, but could then, once their mana was gone, use ST to power them until they went unconscious. How much Mana did they get? Mana = IQ! Simple. ST batteries were no longer ST batteries, but now were Mana pools. For religious types, "Favor" was used instead of Mana -- how much Favor did you get? Favor = IQ! Simple. And religious symbols or items could become "Favor pools." You "re-charged" Favor by praying, and you re-charged Mana by meditating. How long does it take per point? The same time as "resting" takes to restore a point of fatigue! Simple. Those were the mechanics -- roleplaying it was more fun -- the Priest did something against what his deity represents? Oops, he can't restore Favor until he gains forgiveness from his deity! The Wizard can't both rest AND meditate at the same time...and he has to do both to be ready for the next day's business...

Of course, I also used IQ to roll for spell success instead of DX. And I let players store Mana in their staffs (Staff can store the owner's IQ equivalent in Mana, and Staff of Power can store three times the owner's IQ level in Mana).

(I understand the argument for DX as an element of spell casting, to say nothing of the simplicity of using the same attribute for all action determination, however IQ just seems more appropriate for spell success than DX does -- just as rolling against your ST to lift something makes more sense than rolling against DX to do so.)
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