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Old 02-12-2009, 03:33 PM   #126
tmedwards's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Krotz Springs, LA US
Default Re: Updated / New Character Sheets


The GetStat() and GetStatAttr() functions (@lines: 902 & 908) in your impcharsheet.gcs are flawed. Since object handling in VBScript is something of a bolt on, you can't easily return multiple types from a function, since Objects require the special set LVALUE = RVALUE syntax, while everything else uses the standard assignment LVALUE = RVALUE syntax. This is a problem when you have a return type that can be either a standard Variant or an Object and you don't know in advance what that type will be, so you can chose the appropriate assignment syntax. Essentially, it's a chicken and the egg problem. The way they are coded in the copy of the sheet that I retrieved from the repository, they fail fatally under normal usage.

Since you only call GetStat() from GetStatAttr(), my advice would be to modify them both as follows. I've included two functionally equivalent variations, both of which require no other changes to the sheet, for your perusal.

Version A: GetStatByRef as a Subroutine
sub GetStatByRef (byref stat, name)
  dim index : index = char.ItemPositionByNameAndExt(name, Stats)
  if index > 0 then set stat = char.Items(index)
end sub

function GetStatAttr (name, attr)
  GetStatAttr = ""
  dim stat : GetStatByRef stat, name
  if IsObject(stat) then GetStatAttr = stat.TagItem(attr)
end function
Version B:GetStatByRef as a Function
function GetStatByRef (byref stat, name)
  GetStatByRef = false
  dim index : index = char.ItemPositionByNameAndExt(name, Stats)
  if index > 0 then
    set stat = char.Items(index)
    GetStatByRef = true
  end if
end function

function GetStatAttr (name, attr)
  GetStatAttr = ""
  dim stat
  if GetStatByRef(stat, name) then GetStatAttr = stat.TagItem(attr)
end function
Thomas M. EDWARDS <>

GCA4 resources: GCA Repository, Phoenix (r66), GMCS (2.17), Bookish (r12)
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