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Old 09-07-2017, 08:47 PM   #1
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Default GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Encounters 1: The Pagoda of Worlds

Why can't other planes
Be full of wine and dreamboats
Instead of monsters?
— Alister Morgan, Aristocratic Swashbuckler
Secreted away in the wilderness, a simple monastery surrounds a weak point in reality, where our world connects to several others. For centuries, its monks quietly stood guard over these portals while also offering aid to travelers . . . until something happened. Now it's up our brave explorers to face the deadly and often surprising threats within. It won't be easy, but knowledge, loot, and potential access to other dimensions await those who master GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Encounters 1: The Pagoda of Worlds.

Matt Riggsby's newest Dungeon Fantasy work is the first entry in our new Encounters sub-series. "Encounters" are relatively short and simple locations that can be easily dropped into an existing campaign, either as a mini-adventure or side quest. In this case, the party may stumble across the pagoda in the wilderness, be sent there to grab a MacGuffin, or hear about its strange dimensional properties and choose to seek it out. The GM can decide how much forewarning the heroes have, anywhere from full disclosure through going in blind to mistakenly believing the monks are still doing fine.

Of course, what would be the point of a drop-in encounter if it didn't enrich your campaign and surprise the players? In addition to the location and adventure itself, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Encounters 1: The Pagoda of Worlds includes six new and interesting monsters (seven if you count the Hopping Ghost and Flying Ghost separately), a new martial-arts-focused option for manuals (from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 4: Sages), and random wandering monster and loot tables that you can easily tweak for reuse in another adventures.

So let's sum up. We've got an inexpensive supplement written by a great author, which adds exciting challenges that can be dropped into basically any campaign, where it also adds to your bestiary and loot options. Might this just be the most perfect Dungeon Fantasy supplement ever? You tell me.

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