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Old 10-11-2011, 04:16 PM   #9
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Default Re: Destroy this game system!

Haven't finished reading, but why must powers have a 'positive' log-efficiency? I mean, why must it be that one Point grants at least one level of power/effect?
That's a reasonable question, and one I had not considered. I was using existing game mechanics for the scaling (the table that gives the scaling multiple) and that's just the way it worked out. In general, the points available for powers (which in EABA are separate from those for attributes and skills) may be insufficient for wrecking battleships, but players can be fiendishly clever... I'm not too worried about powers penetrating battleships, however. Mental effects, scrying, teleporting and such. EABA has built-in mechanics to prevent someone from sinking a battleship with a small expenditure of points. I hope.

I suppose I could extend the table into negative values to give a ">1 point for 1 point of effect" power. I'll have to consider that. Thanks.
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