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Old 01-03-2013, 09:53 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
Default Kneepads of Allure

So... Basic Situation:

Player 1 draws a Lvl 5 creature on his turn. He asks for help from Player 2, who agrees to help him for so many treasures.

Player 3 uses a card to add +10 to the creature, and suddenly they need more help to defeat it.

Player 2 owns the Kneepads of Allure, and attempts to compel player 3 to join the fray unwillingly, (or rather, "accept his request for help against a monster"), despite the fact that it isn't technically his turn.

Is this legal?? The rulebook says you can only ask a single player for help in your fight, but Players 1 & 2 argue that the fight belongs to both of them now, and that they are each allowed to ask someone for help.
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