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Old 01-02-2018, 11:28 PM   #7
Join Date: Oct 2013
Default Re: Changing default for Innate Attack Skill

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
I would instead use the Psychic Guidance perk.
I just saw Psychic Guidance on a PC for the first time, and (as I am playing in the same game) looked it up.

As I'm playing a combat mage type, and I like to have at least one spell at a really high level (so I can have one good attack spell, duh), my character has a flame jet spell at level 25 (IQ 16, Magery 6 (dungeon fantasy game) and 16 points dumped into Flame Jet... for a 3d6 attack I can use constantly without spending fatigue.

Pretty good, sure. "Hi there, I'm a living flamethrower, are you fireproof?" But I see that perk, and think... hey, if I did the same thing, except got Fireball instead of Flame Jet, I'd have a 25 attack skill with Fireball for the same points. LESS points, as I spent 4 points getting my old character's innate attack: Jet skill up to 15.

For this character, that's essentially 44 points worth of skill (what it would cost to get an innate attack Jet skill up to 25) for 1 pt.

That seems pretty broken to me.

Now, on the character I saw it, they're only giving their level 16 Stone Missile spell an effective attack skill of 16 for one point... which would cost that character only 8 points to buy as an innate attack of the same level. It's not nearly so bad. But if you DID focus very heavily on getting a single spell very powerful, it effectively (more than) doubles the points you spend.

I mean, OK, Missile Spells aren't the greatest... you can only attack once every two seconds at the very fastest, and doing tricks like making them armor piercing (yes, I cast Penetrating Spell on my Flame Jet... why wouldn't I?) takes even longer, which makes them a bit sub-optimal compared to a regular spell like, say, Flame Jet, so I can see a reason to give them a bit of a buff. But still, this perk does seem to be open to some abuse.

Last edited by Mirtai; 01-02-2018 at 11:37 PM.
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