Thread: Modular Cidri
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Old 07-01-2018, 02:19 AM   #1
Chris Rice
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: London Uk, but originally from Scotland
Default Modular Cidri

I was thinking about how nice it would be to have a "World Book" for Cidri. However, It occurred to me that the World of Cidri is too large ever to be entirely mapped in any satisfactory way but might best be detailed in a Modular fashion (like my idea for Death Test.)

The existence of the Gates means that different parts of that gigantic planet don't have have to adjoin one another or even be on the same side of the planet to interact with one another.

Perhaps supplements like the old "Citybook" series from Flying Buffalo might be possible, where each book details several interesting cities or locales which could be slotted into every TFT Gamemasters own personal Cidri, as desired.
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