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Old 08-09-2018, 06:11 PM   #3
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Location: Berkshire - UK
Default Re: Non-combat characters

That's quite an odd request to have to work with. As most players would want to be in the thick of the action. Most of the non-combative characters would be NPCs.

Shops (under normal circumstances would generally sell goods at pre-set prices for a known item. So it might be harder for them to play an active role, business wise that will have an effect on the other players)

I'm actually fiddling with an idea in my town for a travelling market, where good will be higher and lower prices, and the actual items bought may be better or worse than expected - ie, a sword sold for a higher price may actually turn out to be a fine weapon once cleaned up (with a +1DX or +1 hit bonus) - on the other hand it may be unbalanced and give - instead - Players may have to haggle with the traders, and not know exactly what the new weapon does until they take it into battle - (This was all going to be through secret dice rolls) - So player takes the new weapon into combat, marked as regular ITL, then modifiers added once used - "as you swing the blade, you notice that it feels incredibly well balanced etc."

Anyway - Perhaps as a trader, this sort of thing could be put into your 'business oriented' players hands?
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