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Old 05-23-2005, 12:09 PM   #44
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Berlin, Germany
Default Re: Can a Navy SEAL be made for 200 cps?

>I suspect that a 3e-style SEAL template would end up in the 200- to 300-point zone in 4e. Split the difference and call it 250 points.

Heh. Did I already mention my SEAL template comes out exactly at 250? ;)

>-- Buying HP from their high, ST-based level down to human-average level, to reflect lean muscle as opposed to bulk.

My template has ST 12, which is reasonable, I think. Weightlifting was already popular among SEALs in the late 1960s . . . then again, many of the chaps don't look more muscular than any normal guy. All that swimming has to have some impact, though, so increased ST is certainly in order.

>Buying Basic Speed down to a round level. This is probably realistic if some of it comes from DX that's meant to represent general training and not innate reflexes.

Then again, good reflexes might well be common with those guys . . .

>-- Deleting bogus skill specialties (of which the 3e template has quite a few).

Which do you mean? Other than the Tactics specializations, which aren't available in 4e anyway, nothing immediately springs to mind. Ah, Electronics Op (Sensors) should go, I guess. But that's about it. They need all the Survival variants.

>Taking advantage of the fact that defaults between Guns specialties are more generous in 4e. If you take one good Guns skill, you can probably get away with having most of the others at default. Just abstract the weapons training as the reason for that one good skill.

That certainly works. Take Rifle.

>Creating a Talent for special-ops troops and assuming SEALS are selected for it. Call it "Stalker," and have it cover Camouflage, Forward Observer, Hiking, Soldier, Stealth, and Tactics.

I would not call that Stalker. Skip Forward Observer, that needs to go with Electronics Op (Comm), Navigation, and possibly Observation.

I like the Soldier Talent suggested by cmdicely earlier.

For what it's worth, these talents would work with me:

Ranger/Stalker, whatever you want to call it

Camouflage, Hiking, Navigation, Stealth, and Tracking.

Which would work for real forest rangers just as well as for SAS guys and wood elves -- but not for SEALs, necessarily, since they don't need Tracking.

Born Soldier

Leadership, Navigation, Observation, Soldier, and Tactics.

(not Strategy -- that's for Born Leader)


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