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Old 12-20-2018, 09:32 AM   #52
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Marvel/DC World-Character Supers Building

Originally Posted by Plane View Post
The best basis of comparison would be the Fantastic Four. In their case, they have public identities and because of the "cosmic rays" origin, people don't have the same "children could be born this way!" fear as with spontaneous mutants.
See, as a parent myself, I've always felt that the possibility that my own children might turn out to be mutants argued against letting myself be prejudiced against mutants in general. If it happened, I might have concerns centered around their specific powers and control of them, but would in general be their biggest advocate and defender - because that's what being a parent is about.

Of course, there also exist parents who reject their children for things like coming out as LGBT, so I can see the same happening with mutancy in a fictional world - but it would be nice to see more of the other side of the coin. This is one thing that the television show The Gifted is doing a decent job of, even if the father is later revealed not to actually be a mundane supporting his mutant children he certainly thought he was.

The other factor is, depending on the perceived (not actual, necessarily) prevalence of super-mutagen stuff in the world, wouldn't the same fears apply to Fantastic Four-like origins, or really more earthbound ones like those of the Hulk and Spider-Man? You'd probably have both anti-vaxxer equivalents paranoid about what additive or pollutant or medical treatment could give them or their neighbors unwanted freakish powers, and an opposing bunch of nuts who go out seeking 'origin' bait and probably mostly getting cancer instead, even in the MU.
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