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Old 10-13-2017, 06:11 AM   #9
Michael Cule
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Re: [Basic] Disadvantage of the week: Amnesia

I once used it as the setup for a large scale fantasy game in which the players awoke without their memories in an underground cave. I had asked them to choose a fantasy art card from the large collection I had accumulated for use with EVERWAY and then wrote the character around the appearance.

All they had in common was a silver wristband each of them wore and could not remove.

As they (and I) explored the world they could not remember they discovered that they were an ancient company of heroes who could once upon a time unite to form the Silver Dragon and who had a Destiny and a half...

In a way it was very 'gm-as-author' but I was careful to use the implications of what the character cards looked like to give them all the cool stuff they thought they should have from that.
Michael Cule,
Genius for Hire,
Gaming Dinosaur Second Class
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