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Old 09-28-2013, 09:26 AM   #33
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Default Re: Dodging while being levitated by Telekinesis?

Originally Posted by DouglasCole View Post
I'm on record as being not-a-fan of ST rolls. I even worked out an alternate system (granted, not a lot of playtest in that one) that really did away with ST rolls again.

So, when it came to Pickups, I asked PK and Kromm if they'd mind if I used the same table we'd worked out for grappling encumbrance, where you had a multiple of BL be a modifier, and basically asked what I'd roll against. Well, you're straining to just lift him, and avoid injury. That's a HT roll. They agreed that in this case (a BOX on a very particular kind of move that really shouldn't come up much in combat) it was an OK approach.

You want a ST roll? Go right ahead. The basic rule for pickups is "you can't, unless your target is less than 4xBL." I thought that wasn't quite right, since I can and have picked up someone closer to 6xBL in a match.

Anyway, I thought treating the weight-to-BL ratio as a modifier to a HT roll was better than a ST roll. I got permission. The entire book is optional anyway, so there's always that!
Okay, you oppose ST rolls. But the opponent in fact rolls (Trained) ST to resist a pickup.

So in a situation like this:
Psionetto (TK 100, Will 15, Judo 15)
is lifting
Iron Spidey (mass 150lbs, ST100, DX and Judo 15)

This is 150/2000 = 0.075, then add 3, looking up the modifier, for a +6 bonus to the HT (i.e. Will) roll.

So Psionetto rolls 15+6 = 21 against Spidey's 100. It is very unclear what Iron Spidey does that so easily thwarts Psionetto's attempt to just pull upward assuming an established grapple and a failure to break free, even though their BLs are evenly matched, and the mass-to-BL is less than 4×BL (compare to e.g. Backbreaker in MA, where's it's a matter of breaking free).


Now, I've only read pages 24 and 8 for this example, so maybe I'm missing something. And yes, I realise that spending CP can ease the roll, but this gives a huge advantage to Spidey when he tries to break free after the CP expenditure.
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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