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Old 05-17-2012, 03:02 PM   #44
Join Date: Apr 2011
Default Re: Novice GM running GURP fantasy odyssey

Originally Posted by Refplace View Post
I like that method more than the tavern one.
I agree, Refplace. Quarkstomper, great idea.

Originally Posted by Sunrunners_Fire View Post
One-Use Patron: Spirit of Place, the mostly-powerless guardian spirit that watches over their coastal village ... arranges a shared dream where they contest against each other and against potential future enemies; with the characters waking up from the "obvious nightmare" when they die.


Highlight things that happened and people they met and things they fought in the nightmare when they show up during the game (something that happens occasionally but not too often). Leave it a mystery in-character though.
This is a great idea. While I haven't considered an eastern mythology of spirits and spirit guardians, I was going with the Pathfinder, Galarion campaign setting and the deities that they have. It would be very easy for the God of travel and sea, a deity with a strong following in that town, to grant visions of an upcoming and dangerous journey ahead of all four players.

I'll have to be careful. Not only must I prepare at least a few adversaries and key NPC's in advance, but I have to allow some minions, not just bosses. Bosses would be too powerful and kill the PC's instantly. Dying too quickly in a dream meant to enlighten them of their limits doesn't help anyone.

Originally Posted by Grouchy Chris View Post
I would also suggest making this a risk-free, commitment-free activity for your players, so they can try things without worrying that it's going to be the death of their character. They can also learn about what works and what doesn't when they're picking traits and equipment. It's no fun for the player if they learn that dual-wielding quarterstaves isn't, in fact, practical, and then have you tell them that they're stuck with it.
The dream would be a great time to revamp characters. "I don't use a quarterstaff? That's weird that I would dream I do."

During the months of downtime, I was going to allow players to alter some of their skills. "Use it or lose it" philosophy. It was inspired by the idea that a brawler could befriend a martial arts master and end up training with him during some down time. Skills such as brawling or even boxing may drop a little while they train in karate. I still require all players to keep a single cp in any given skill. You never completely forget how to do something.
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