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Old 10-01-2020, 11:09 AM   #9
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Telekinetic Levitation/Flight

It would be neat to have SOME level of distinction between "I'm 100% metal and my TK is lifting all of me equally" vs "I have a metal helmet" or "I have metal boots" or "I have metal gauntlets".

The 1st should be a lot less stressful and a lot more balanced. The 2nd type situations while possible should be sort of like "my entire weight is dangling from a strap under my chin" or "I'm balancing on a surfboard" or "I'm dangling from a rope from a helicopter" kind of sensation.

There could be chances not just for damage to body or penalties, but stuff like strap breaking, tilting so you're not balanced over your boots, not being able to use your arms because they're grappled, etc.

TK should need to specify a body part it is grappling with appropriate penalties of some kind, and there should be risks when lifting someone by their feet that they can't stay upright and end up falling upside down and get disoriented.

That would be very hard to coordinate with allies, perhaps a little easier when you're doing the lifting yourself, but still troublesome.
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