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Old 04-07-2017, 04:04 PM   #3
Kelly Pedersen
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Location: Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Default Re: Ham Fisted with Extra Arm question

I've done some thinking about this sort of thing, and the general conclusion I reached is that if only one set of limbs/manipulators have a disadvantage (like Ham-Fisted, Clumsy, etc.), it's actually not a full disadvantage, it's a limitation on the limb. I use the pricing for Temporary Disadvantage, but halved, because it doesn't actually give you the full disadvantage, just applies it to that specific limb.

So, for example, a species that had four arms, two of which were normal-dexterity, and the other two were big, clumsy club-things (equivalent to Ham-Fisted 2), would take Extra Arms 2, with a limitation of Ham-Fisted 2, Only Applies to 2 Arms, for -5% (the normal Temporary Disadvantage limitation would be -10%, halved for this).

Of course, this situation is a bit tricky, since the race effectively has it's "normal" arms being the ones hindered, and only a single arm usable for fine manipulation. In this case, what I'd do is use the rules for modifying beings with one or two arms, and turn the limitation on the main arms back into a disadvantage. So if the main arms had Ham-Fisted 2, that would be effectively a -5 disadvantage, and you'd buy Extra Arm 1 at full cost, 10 points, for a net cost of 5.
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