Thread: Ideas Are Easy
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Old 02-09-2017, 03:35 PM   #368
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
Biofab: Speaking of which, there are several reasons why Transhuman Space has never quite been my jam. One of them is that, objectively speaking, there is no job an organic intelligence can do that an AI (or ghost which is really just an AI programmed by other means) can't do better. This makes it seem pointless to be an organic, while at the same the way of AIs seems too alien for me to want to play one. But what about a transhumanist setting where AI research hasn't made those bit breakthroughs? Instead the big advancements have been in the biological and biocybernetic sciences. There are a few "sapient computers" but that's because they have a natural or artificial biological brain at their core. Living people still have a place in space travel...
Reminds me of Dune.
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