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Old 12-07-2017, 12:52 PM   #16
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Cambridge, MA
Default Re: Extra heads and peripheral/360 vision.

Originally Posted by Otaku View Post
A good question is... should those situations be common enough to be worth 15 CP?

I definitely see why it was priced at 15 CP based on what Bruno and Kelley Pederson have definitely given me. Those situations haven't happened to me a lot, probably because the bulk of my experience is from my high school gaming days. Some of it may have been the GMs taking it easy on us.* Some of it might have been because of campaign power level.** Some of it might be because we tried to avoid getting ourselves into such situations.***

*Or just being inexperienced and not thinking about it themselves.
**Too high and you tend to have other ways of compensating. Too low and you're still screwed even with Peripheral Vision.
***Lest I sound too cocky, that includes all those times we got ourselves into bad, bad, bad situations where our enemies didn't need the help. XP
I've literally never played a GURPS combat where these facing issues didn't come up. At the very least, a combatant gets attacked from the side once, and usually many times as fighters vie for positional advantage.
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