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Old 07-27-2019, 12:54 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2018
Default Explorer Class - Ability: Nose for Loot

Explorer Class question- Can it be used on a wishing ring that was played on a curse that just hit a player?

Munchkin Booty has a class called Explorer and it comes with an ability that allows a player to : "discard a card from yer hand to take one of yer cards out of play and back into yer hand. Cannot be used on a curse."

Scenario: A player got hit with a lose a level curse, and he played a wishing ring on it. He then discarded a card from his hand to take the wishing ring back into his hand with the explorer resourcefulness ability. Is this allowed since once the wishing ring hits the table both the curse and wishing ring are discarded immediately, so they are both no longer in play?

Also, if this is allowed it's almost a anti-curse infinite. What if a player is hit by 2 lose a level curses at the same time? He should not be able to use resourcefulness mid-curse to take back the wishing ring and use it again for only discarding a single card. The way curses take priority means the curses need to be answered first before the ability could trigger right? Wishing rings are usually immediately discarded after use. The only way to get back the cards in this scenario would be to use a card that says "take back any just played cards" or "return any cards used this turn".

Thanks again for any help!
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