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Old 01-11-2021, 06:31 AM   #89
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Default Re: [GAME] Synthesise a Cybercity!

Originally Posted by Daigoro View Post
Question 60 [CTY][PPL][Name 5]
Who are five mob bosses, underworld figures or gang leaders in YOU-Topia?
Answer 60.3 [CRIME][PPL] - Empress Elsbeth von Mnemestic of the 4T Gang
In Tower C/04 of the Ecliprises Number 3164 project, the 4T Gang run one of the city's larger black market mem rings, as well as being in control of Block C and the neighbouring Blocks D and F. This is where you can go if you need protection from the neighbourhood hoodlums or some pressure put on a business rival when you don't have any cash for the job. Payments are instead accepted in mem donation. That protection? 10 minutes cortical scanning in the gumball couch. Pressure on your rival? 30 minutes, 90 minutes to request a hit on them.

The boss of this outfit is Empress Elsbeth von Mnemestic. She holds court in a penthouse suite that commands a fine view over the upper harbour. Dressed in layered alternating gowns of scintillating vidsilk and vantablack, her divan is surrounded by stacked banks of NeuroTech Luminous MX-1200s- each a blue powdered titanium finish case containing 1200 cc's of manufactured hippocampus and neocortex suspended in a nutrient moderated CSF gel matrix over a polymer microvascular network, lit from within by white LEDs. Thick fluoro-striped protective conduits housing metres of Flickerbolt spinal cord analogue connect subarrays of the MX-1200s to an intermedial stack of Overthought HN7 junction boxes, these being custom made, not NeuroTech, from which another bundle of Flickerbolt cabling links to a Liminal Input live tissue 10-socket panel, also custom, that replaces the bottom half of the Empress's posterior cranium. The signal path from each neuron of mem-archive to the base of her skull is thus 100% organic nerve tissue, completely analogue, giving maximum gain, resolution and vividity. The final link to the Empress's own sensory centres and biographical memory complex of her brain is handled by a top-of-the-line NeuroTech C-Series Immediacy Boosted Semaphore Implant MemInjector with optional Turbofed Limbic Underlay. By brushing and tapping a long-nailed finger on the left temple-mounted touchpad, she can navigate through the layers of mem cache to any of thousands of hours of "exquisite" personal human experience stored in the 320 box array in moments. Empress Elsbeth is thus either a mem connoisseur of the highest order or a mem addict with too much cash, depending on who you ask.

To become a member of 4T, recruits submit to a session in the Empress's personal Eldritch/Fire MemCapture couch, from which she'll lovingly and delicately remove cherished mems from their youth to store away for safe-keeping and to use as a future reward for loyal members. Other mems that she extracts from prospective business partners and customers, she either keeps for personal enjoyment, sifts through for blackmail material or other useful intel, or sends over to the gang's media handler who will package them up for the black market. And if she runs low on the freely incoming stream of mems, she has a den of mem-donors hyped up on a cocktail of street-brewed Reverie, Recollect and Remembrance to syphon fresh mems off, again for personal use or for the street market. Finally, she's always on the lookout to buy up any interesting mems, or mem-donors, that go up for sale in the city's underworld.

Being at the apex of a network of illegal mem-collecting agents, Mnemestic is often privy to the darkest secrets of the city's society, including those of high ranking NeuroCorp officers and City Council officials. She's been canny and circumspect in handling such blackmail data, usually keeping it to herself, but she has made some judicious moves that have earned some juicy pay packets for 4T, which she prudently puts toward physical and network security. So far her possession of such intelligence hasn't made her a target of the corp's or city's counterintel apparatus, and she'd prefer to keep that status quo.

Adventure Hooks
The PCs could be hired to retrieve a stolen mem that has found its way to Mnemestic's mem-bank. This could be an average citizen looking to get back a fond mem, or someone higher ranking with something they'd prefer to stay hidden, whether legit or illicit.

Otherwise, the PCs might want to sell off some of their adventures and the Empress could be bidding for those mems.

Or, someone they know has sold themselves into the Empress's mem-donor den to pay off debts, and the party are looking to break them out.

Finally, a personally or strategically important mem is floating around for sale on street corners. The PCs must work their way up the food chain to find the source of the mem and discover what's happened to the donor.

Question 68 [HIST]
What is the story surrounding each of these events? Are there any continuing ramifications from them today?
a) The actions of Representative Di Pietro in ’74
b) The Pearl Gate CDC in ‘81
c) The Sluse Seven Trial in ’88
d) LD-8 Incident in ‘03

Question 69 [CORP][TECH][Name 5]
What other entries are there in NeuroTech's product lineup?
Collaborative Settings:
Cyberpunk: Duopoly Nation
Space Opera: Behind the King's Eclipse
And heaps of forum collabs, 30+ and counting!

Last edited by Daigoro; 01-11-2021 at 06:43 AM.
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