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Old 10-09-2022, 06:36 PM   #25
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: Outdoorsman seems overcosted

Originally Posted by tbone View Post
A good point. Though the game largely leaves it up to the GM to make that happen, as it suggests few non-IQ/Per rolls for the skills covered by Outdoorsman.

Boosting Outdoorsman to a full 10 skills with the addition of Hiking helps a bit here, as that's almost always HT-based. (As would slipping in a couple more non-brainy skills like Boating and Swimming; I believe the BS rule for talents allows up to 12 skills for a 10-point talent.)

Also worth keeping in mind: A few (?) magic items published so far specifically call on Outdoorsman for their full effect.

All in all, though, it's true that Outdoorsman is a hard sell compared to IQ. If the DFRPG line ever publishes a work on wilderness adventures, it'd be a good place to introduce more non-IQ/Per rolls for skills covered by Outdoorsman, or other benefits of the advantage.
10 point Talents can be a little underpowered if they're typically subbing for just one Attribute so adding HT & DX skills makes it a better deal. I'd go with adding Hiking, Swimming & Stealth if boosting Outdoorsman up to the maximum 12 skills. 10 point Talents can be a little underpowered if they're typically subbing for just one Attribute so adding HT & DX skills makes it a better deal.

If that's not enough, make the bonus apply not just to HT but all Attribute rolls in the wilderness - DX to avoid tripping over undergrowth, Per to hear an animal in the distance, etc. That should make it a good deal.
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