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Old 11-08-2019, 03:14 AM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Re: [Magic] Double Checking Some Rules Mistakes

Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
You're correct in that enchantment is not identical to ceremonial magic. In fact, the -1 per assistant rule is not only just for enchantment, it's specific to Q&D enchantment alone, not S&S. (It's also -1 for anyone within 10 yards, assisting or not).

Enchantment also differs from ceremonial magic in that you can enchant alone, whereas you _must_ have assistants for ceremonial magic.
I think this raises a question: Is enchanting really ceremonial magic then?

Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
Q&D enchantment allows mages to contribute as much energy as they're able -- there's not a cap per mage, or in total.

For that 100 energy limit, you're probably thinking of the rule for how long the enchantment takes -- the process takes 1 hour per 100 energy required to complete the enchantment. But that's not directly tied to the rate of energy input -- each mage only gets to contribute once, at the end of that 1+ hour period.
Right about the time, but I should have phrased the version got stuck in my head better, all energy would still be expended at the end, just the way the potential is calculated is changed.

Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
In the example with Tubbs and Hawthorne, they're repeating their Powerstone enchantment multiple times in one day, not supplying energy to the same enchantment process multiple times and resting during just one process. Powerstone enchantments stack to increase capacity, a rule detailed in that spell. The example cites 10 FP just as an assumption on the amount of energy they can contribute -- which isn't a bad rule of thumb assuming average stats.
It's not just those examples, it's all the official math we're ever given for how much energy a Mage contributes, that is fixed at them only ever contributing 10 energy.

Originally Posted by Plane View Post
10 is probably a good assumption for SAFE contribution. If you spend FP into the negative (can you even do that voluntarily?) you risk falling unconscious... and if you spend HP then that's going to create skill penalties, and if I recall right, those two were just on the cusp of the 15 skill required to enchant, so spending HP would put them below the threshold?
Originally Posted by Aldric View Post
My guess is that they both spent 10 points because Powerstone costs 20 and the best way to recover and start the next process is to spend FP evenly.
You can have FP higher then 10, and given that FP is the primary limit on a Mages power and income, it would be surprising if it was limited this way.

Originally Posted by Plane View Post
There is a perk to mitigate the "people are nearby" penalty for enchanting, and also a 'solitary ceremonial' enhancement for magery to allow spells outside the enchantment college to be done using ceremonial magic without people helping.
Never heard of it.

Originally Posted by Plane View Post
I'm wondering about some kind of "I can do 10 energy per 6 minutes instead of 100 per 60" enhancement for Enchantment-Only Magery. I remember this scene in Saga of Tanya the Evil where there's this mage enchanting bullets during a plane flight and it seemed like the speed he was going at was way faster than 1/hour.
That not GURPS
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