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Old 05-14-2015, 08:39 PM   #9
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Arizona
Default Re: Scenario Contest #1- Mark-O-Polo

The only real negative comment I have to offer is that the scenario name is terrible! other than that, it's well organized, has plenty of options and is a nice switch from the "standard" Ogre-versus-the-world scenario. It plays pretty fast, the one time I've run through it thus far, which is a good thing. Given that I've only run it once, I can't talk to overall play-balance or anything, and I haven't tried the variants as yet, so cannot address them in detail. My next run will be with a Mark IV, since that actually makes more sense under the backstory.

Overall, I like this scenario, and it's concept. I'd say this one is a good one. But do, please, look for something better for the name of it! ;-)
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