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Old 09-21-2017, 11:38 AM   #8
Join Date: Nov 2013
Default Re: How much do you enjoy the character upgrade minigame?

Originally Posted by A Ladder View Post
Apparently my group is weird...we give out 5 points per session at a minimum. It's more like 7-8 on average. Campaigns go based on how long I want them to. I've had ~40 session campaigns and 2 session ones. I guess we average more in the ~20 range.

But, I digress, I personally looooove the upgrade minigame. Like Kromm stated it's all about focusing on the immediate needs vs. long term goals. This last campaign I've gotten to be a player and man, choosing between adding new skills, upgrading the skills that I rolled poorly on last session, or upping my combat prowess, or saving up for a big ol' attribute boost or expensive advantage....whew! I get choice paralysis, but in a good way.
Can only agree my last campaign in a gurps like system ran 39 sessions with an average of above 10 points per session, the current one is at 32 and expected to go way beyond that as the characters are still finding their legs as "heroes" and i think the average so far have been at least 12 points per session. Love it when the heroes grow but of course my players are exalted demigods and their stuff is expensive compared to playing regular folks for whom a skill up is actually a big thingy. My usual question for my players at the start of each session is "Have you picked up anything game breaking with your xp.".
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