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Old 11-28-2020, 09:59 PM   #1
Prince Charon
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Default [Thaumatology] Magic Item Design Game

I've seen games like this before on this forum, but not in a while, IIRC. Basically, the game is to describe - and maybe stat-out, if you wish - a magic item based on the name the previous poster gave. It could be in the standard system, or an alchemical charm (GURPS Magic p220), or a fetish (GURPS Thaumatology p161), or a Magic-As-Powers gadget, or some other thing (or the description could be fluffy enough to fit multiple magic systems).

So, for example, one person suggests 'Cloak of Untrammeled Dignity,' (which is a Schlock Mercenary reference), and someone replies with "Fetishes of this type contain a Spirit of Dignity. The spirit grants a bonus to any rolls to retain one's dignity, and a penalty to anyone trying to make the wearer look undignified (including against spells/rituals that would), with the strength of the bonus and penalty being based on both the power of the spirit, and in many cases, the spirit's Reaction Roll when you take up the fetish. The worst result is that the spirit gives you no help, but doesn't work against you, and the best possible result depends on the GM. It's not much use in battle beyond helping to resist undignified disadvantages like Cowardice or Combat Paralysis; it's not much use for avoiding death at all, unless the spirit can find no way to make that death dignified (you might drown at sea wearing the Cloak, but you won't fall into an open sewer with it). As many nobles fear looking undignified far more than an early death, Cloaks of this type are expected to remain popular, and a competent summoner is unlikely to go broke making them."

Here's one to start off with:
'Sven Serpent-tongue's Superior Spear'
Warning, I have the Distractible and Imaginative quirks in real life.

"The more corrupt a government, the more it legislates."
-- Tacitus

Five Earths, All in a Row. Updated 12/17/2022: Apocrypha: Bridges out of Time, Part I has been posted.

Last edited by Prince Charon; 05-02-2022 at 04:11 AM.
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