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Old 06-19-2015, 04:35 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2012
Default Re: [Banestorm] Your Megalos

YFS was what gave me the idea: I just went with the most logical combination I could think of for spearmen + crossbowmen.

If you really like the idea of pike-squares plus magic, I could easily see the Templars combining a dismounted lancer (using a Reach 4 lance as a quasi-pike while on foot) and a war wizard together in small units, so these would essentially be the war wizards + bodyguards, who form up together into pike-and-spell formations if under threat. It might only be around one unit of 50-80 guys in a Legion, but it would be a way to incorporate pike-squares + magic without bending the setting too far.

One justification of it could be that the regular infantry have more to worry about archers (so they rely more on shields), while the principle concern of the Templar war wizards is being charged down by a small unit that manages to get behind the main force (hence quasi-pikes).
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