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Old 02-15-2016, 07:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Los Alamos, New Mexico
Default [RPM, MH5] Technomagic: Complexity and Limits on Scripts

I've searched the forum for a previous discussion, to no avail, so forgive me if this has been discussed before.

Monster Hunters 5: Applied Xenology is almost exactly what I need to port The Laundry to GURPS. There are two things I wish it captured.

The first, energy costs by summoned demon level, was addressed by Ghostdancer in GURPS101: Spell Kits For Casters - The Necromancer. (Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ghostdancer.)

The second is my feeling that Cubicle 7 got it right that more powerful hardware is needed to cast higher level spells.

A lot of this can be done with MH5 by using the Notes from the Computer Table, MH5:20, along with TCSs needing to run on minimum Complexity machines, MH5:21. A C3 smartphone is -2 to RPM and can only run a Basic TCS for +0 to skill, whereas a C5 laptop is +0 to RPM, and can run a Good TCS for +1, for a net +3 to RPM skill.

I can also give Laundry agents digital grimoires that are bonuses to rituals, which are dependent on the complexity of the device. I.e. only certain rituals are available on the C3 grimoire, but more rituals for C4 grimoires, etc. (Or I can change the bonuses, depending on the Complexity of the Grimoire.) (Or both.) I haven't decided the bonuses for these Grimoires yet.

This is I want to discuss:

I'd also like to limit the number of scripts on a device to be determined by the energy of the rituals, and not just the number (2xComplexity, if magically resonant, MH5:17).

This is similar to a previous thread about Conditional Rituals here...[RPM] Conditional Rituals (Too Powerful?)

Are the Grimoire/TCS bonuses/Computer Table Notes enough of a limitation for small devices?

Should I add some energy based limitation to the number of scripts storable on a device?

Is there some other mechanism that I am missing, or not understanding correctly?

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― Charles Stross, The Fuller Memorandum
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