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Old 07-10-2022, 01:49 PM   #6
Join Date: Jun 2006
Default Re: Special benefits to high skills?

Originally Posted by agentdenton View Post
How about systems besides gurps? I have a lot of gurps stuff, but can't find players so I haven't read thru it in a while.

Lots of games increase your odds of critical successes, which are usually only loosely defined, and hence may or may not be amazing depending on how your GM manages them. One that comes to mind as a full on system is Runequest Land of Ninja's "ki" skills that allowed you to learn to do superhuman stuff with a skill over 100%.

That last system is also somewhat related to the common option of requiring an incredible level of a skill as a prerequisite to learning an "impossible" skill or superhuman power.

Negating critical failures is fairly common too - often takes the form of a saving throw based on how much the skill exceeds the "maximum" - e.g. if you have a 125% skill, you get a 25% chance of a save vs. critical failure

Some games award you periodic allotments of some a storytelling currency - fate or force points, gold stars, inventing points, whatever - that you can spend to produce superhuman results somehow related to the skill.

There are probably others, but those are the common ones I think.
MA Lloyd
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