Thread: Spaceships 6
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Old 11-23-2019, 08:12 AM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Spaceships 6

Originally Posted by FeiLin View Post
1. p4 example implies an SM+15 fabricator has capacity of $150 M/h, but I find $ 500 M in Spaceships 1; have i missed an errata? I think there's an errata missing for Spaceships 1 page 16; the top row of the factory table goes 15M, 150M and 500M towards the end, whereas I think it should be 15M, 50M, 150M to follow x3 per SM increase. I couldn't find this in the errata; has this been overlooked or did I miss something? (Excited I found what might be my first errata item; do I get a medal or something??)
My version of SS1 has it as 15M, 50M, and 150M. Suggest you redownload from w23. Well, unless you have a dead-tree version.

Originally Posted by FeiLin View Post
2. p4, continued example, says it takes 240 000 man-hours, and that the “time required” is 33 days. It’s not explicitly stated, but that is EXTRA time, I presume. Also, that’s assuming 24/7 contribution from each individual, so wouldn’t a total of 140 days be more reasonable (assuming other parameters are)?
Considering a system with a workspace requirement of 1 makes no mention of "off" hours or the like for the crewman, it's possible the man-hours above aren't meant to be taken to be work hours - that is, the 240,000 man-hours actually only takes 80,0000 man-work-hours, with each member of the 300 man crew working for 8 hours each day. Note page 5 mentions you can get ships built more quickly by paying overtime, which supports this interpretation.

Originally Posted by FeiLin View Post
3. In the same example, it says that it’s the hangar bay crew that’s involved, but I assumed it would be that of the factory since its the factory that enables building ships, afaik; which one is it? (In this case is the same, but in other cases it perhaps isn’t.)
The components are assembled by the factory and its workers, but the actual vessel is put together by the hangar bay crew.

Originally Posted by FeiLin View Post
4. p5 explains the classes 3-5 starports, and there it involves the tonnage and dHP. Are these calculations averages based on the examples above or are they different (and why)? I assumed starports would follow the same rules, since they’re created with the same rules.
At a glance, they appear to be simplifications of the above rules. Note the example ship from p4 takes 40 days to produce the parts and 33 days to assemble; the simplified rules from p5 make this simply 80 days.
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