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Old 03-28-2021, 11:56 AM   #17
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Boston area
Default Re: How do you adjudicate initiating HTH?

I take your point on the reading of option (o). It's a plausible reading. But I don't agree with the following.

Originally Posted by Steve Plambeck View Post
Despite not getting to actually "attack" until next turn, there's still an advantage to waiting until you're engaged to get into HTH. You don't have the restrictions the rules impose when a disengaged figure comes running in to initiate HTH as a Charge Attack under option (b). Under option (b) you're limited to attempting HTH on figures with a lower MA, or from behind, or who are already on the ground. Those limitations don't exist under option (o) for engaged figures, and that's a critical difference under the right circumstances.
Whether you use an action to initiate HTH or do it during movement, you are moving into an opponent's hex. Hence, on my reading, the following passage applies whether you begin engaged or not:
A figure may move into an enemy figure’s hex, initiating
HTH combat, if (a) the enemy has his back to the wall, or
is lying down, prone, or kneeling, or (b) the enemy has a
lower MA, or (c) the attacker comes in from the rear, or (d)
the enemy agrees to HTH combat. Initiating HTH combat is
considered an attack.
I don't see any free pass for forcing an opponent into HTH (modulo the die roll) just because you're using option (o).

Gotta say, the wording of option (o) sure does suggest that moving into the opponent's hex and making an attack all occurs as one action. I'm currently ruling that it does not, but the literal words strongly suggest it does.
movement phase, the figure stands still or shifts; when its
turn to attack comes, it moves onto the hex of any adjacent
enemy, and attempts to hit with bare hands or (if it was ready)
its dagger.

Last edited by phiwum; 03-28-2021 at 12:00 PM.
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