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Old 07-09-2016, 10:08 AM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Shropshire, uk
Default Re: Handling maintenance and overhauls for GURPS Spaceships

Originally Posted by Calvin View Post
Basically the idea would be to let them repair a module to the point where it stops being Cheap, and so stops counting for maintenance purposes. But what would this cost? The upper bound for what it costs is simple, it's 80% of the module's normal cost. If it was 80% or more it would be cheaper to simply sell the module (At 40% of the cheap module's price) and buy a brand new one. The lower bound has got to be 50% since if it were cheaper it would be possible to buy a cheap module and then overhaul it to standard quality for less than the price of a new module. Are there even rules for this?
There are no rules for this as such, the nearest approach would be the refitting rules from space ships 6 (page 6) I.e. cost of new systems +30% less the cost of selling existing gear for scrap. However these rules assumed an all or nothing process reworking most of the ships systems at the same time.

Originally Posted by Calvin View Post
As a related question, does it make sense for the engineer PC to be able to reduce maintenance costs by their monthly wage per month worked on the ship?
No it doesn't. The engineer is there to keep things running they probably don't have the time or the resources to to make that kind of change to most systems. That is what yard level refits are for. The exceptions are changing fully modular systems and reworking habitat spaces or weapons and these would still require additional investment for new systems and almost certainly need the ship to be in dock while the work happens (again see SS6; 6).
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